After purchasing a home with my husband in 2019, I fell in love with our two gorgeous maple trees. Drawn to the textures of their bark contrasting with the colors, layers and textures of their leaves, Trees are an enchantress; pulling me into their features, details, their true beauty. I have always gravitated towards shape and color, with little focus on detail. However; the details within these trees has inspired me, creating a new subject matter and obsession.
While creating tree paintings, I started thinking about the East Troublesome Fire of 2020. Originally from New Jersey, fire was not a concern, something I never even thought about. I felt heartbroken for the trees, it made me wonder how they felt, and what they experienced knowing they are trapped. It brought me back to my childhood when I thought trees “spoke” to one another. This branched off to my “Morose Tree” series, representing their greatest enemy, fire. For the “Roots & Branches” exhibition these paintings are how I envision the trees responding and reacting to the threat. Utilizing multiple canvases in various sizes, aspects, mixed medias, layer and vibrant colors to individualize the trees, emphasizing their feelings. Illustrating the different phases they went tough during the fires.
Gasping I-VII
91 X 41 with 1" Spacing Mixed Media: Oil Paint, Modeling Paste, Cold Wax and Charcoal on Canvas
This is the first phase the trees experience. Enjoying the fresh air until the smoke from the brewing fire comes along. Becoming smothered, panicked, attempting to move away and warn the others.
Gasping I
20x20 Oil Paint, Modeling Paste & Cold Wax on Canvas
Gasping II
20x20 Oil Paint, Modeling Paste, and Cold Wax on Canvas
Gasping III
20x20 Oil Paint, Modeling Paste & Cold Wax on Canvas
Gasping IV
20x20 Oil Paint, Modeling Paste, and Cold Wax on Canvas
Gasping V
36x12 Oil Paint, Modeling Paste and Charcoal on Canvas
Gasping VI
36x12 Oil Paint, Modeling Paste, Charcoal on Canvas
Gasping VII
24x12 Oil Paint, Modeling Paste & Charcoal on Canvas
20x16 Oil Paint, Modeling Paste & Charcoal on Canvas
24x42 Oil Paint, Modeling Paste, Charcoal and Soft Pastels on Canvas
18x24 Oil Paint, Modeling Paste & Charcoal on Canvas
Doomed I-VI
Sold 74x26 Oil Paint, Modeling Paste & Charcoal on Canvas
I have been conducting a study on trees ever since, this has led me towards creating two series on trees. While working, I started to think about the fires in October 2020, it made me feel sad for the trees. I decided that part of this series would represent the tree's greatest enemy, fire. In my childhood, I thought the trees ``spoke” to one another.
These six paintings are how I envisioned our beautiful Aspens responding to the smoke. Attempting to warn each-other of the impending doom heading for them. While trying to move away from and protect themselves.
Scorched II
Sold 8x8 Oil Paint, Modeling Paste & Charcoal on Canvas
Scorched I
Sold 8x8 Oil Paint, Modeling Paste & Charcoal on Canvas
Embers II
Sold 8x8 Oil Paint, Modeling Paste & Charcoal on Canvas
Embers I
Sold 10x8 Oil Paint, Modeling Paste & Charcoal on Canvas
NFS 24x24 Oil Paint, Modeling Paste & Charcoal on Canvas
The point of no return. Preparing for the pending flames. Their final attempt to warn and move away. Stretched and sick.
24x24 Oil Paint, Modeling Paste & Charcoal on Canvas
Trapped, Defeated, Awaiting the pending doom of death.
36x36 Oil Paint, Hot Glue, Charcoal on Canvas
Surrounded by death. They make their final attempt to move away but it is too late.